Pilgrim and Indian Cat & Dog Photo
Nice to see the pilgrims and the indians getting along. Oh yeah, and the dog and the cat. Great costumes.
Funny Cat Hugging Mouse
Aww, cute sleeping tabby cat hugging a mouse. Well, not a live mouse. A computer kind. Better this way.
Hugging Cute Panda Bear Photo
This Panda Bear seems to be hugging for dear life to this person's arm. Those eyes are just gorgeous! Too cute.
Cutest Picture of Alsatian & Kitten
Yes, this surely has to be one of the cutest animal photos i have seen. A german shepherd or alsatin dog licking a tiny little black kitten. Just gorgeous.
Tiny Rhino Baby and Mother
Aww, cute little rhino baby and mother at the zoo. Looks so gentle when it is young. Dont mess with a rhino when it grows up, they can get nasty and angry.
Scavenger Hungry Cats Fishing
I count eleven cats here waiting on the every move of this fisherman. Maybe he gives them his waste bait, or perhaps the little fish he catches. God, they are almost as bad a seagulls! But at least they are smart cats, they know where to get their meals.
Cute Photo Young & Old Chimps
This is a really cute photo wouldnt you say? Two chimps, one old, one young baby. I wonder if that it the mother?
Funny Sleeping Tabby Cat
Ive seen some strange sleeping positions from cats before, but this tabby cat's choice is up there with the best. Cant be comfortable! That is funny.
Funny Underwater Hippo Push
Looks like Mom Hippo is giving the little hippo a bit of a push to get back to the surface. Maybe he cant swim yet...Cute photo.
Penguins Go to the Zoo Joke
A man drives to a gas station and has his tank filled up. The gas attendant spots two penguins sitting in the back seat of the car.
He asks the driver, "What's up with the penguins in the back seat?"
The man in the car says "I found them. I asked myself what to do with them, but I haven't had a clue."
The attendant ponders a bit then says, "You should take them to the zoo."
"Hey, that's a good idea," says the man and drives away.
The next day the man with the car is back at the same gas station. The attendant sees the penguins are still in the back seat of the car.
"Hey, they're still here! I thought you were going to take them to the zoo."
"Oh, I did," says the driver, "And we had a swell time. Today I am taking them to the beach."
He asks the driver, "What's up with the penguins in the back seat?"
The man in the car says "I found them. I asked myself what to do with them, but I haven't had a clue."
The attendant ponders a bit then says, "You should take them to the zoo."
"Hey, that's a good idea," says the man and drives away.
The next day the man with the car is back at the same gas station. The attendant sees the penguins are still in the back seat of the car.
"Hey, they're still here! I thought you were going to take them to the zoo."
"Oh, I did," says the driver, "And we had a swell time. Today I am taking them to the beach."
Tiny Baby Panda Photo
So thats what Panda Bears look like just after being born. How tiny and cute. Mom seems to be taking good care of the little guy.
Scary Angry Tabby Cat
One ear up, one ear down, wide eyes, open mouth, teeth baring. Yep, that looks like one angry tabby cat. Or maybe just a little mad.
Really Funny Owl Photos
I love Owls. And this is one of the best photos you will see of them. Both standing on one foot, with one twisting his head to look at the camera. Curious perhaps.
Cute Labrador & Little Chick
So gorgeous - this Labrador is so gentle with the chicks that he is allowing it onto his leg. Can you imagine what a cat would do to these little chicks? You can trust a Lab.
In Love Kissing Fish
Nice to see that despite the color differences, this orange and white fish are in love, displaying their affection with a kiss.
Funny Bucket Wearing Boxer Dog
This cute boxer dog has probably had to endure playing with this little child. Maybe he is a child minder. And some good person has put a pink bucket on his head. He does look very regal. I cant work out if that child is crying or happy.
Cute Pug in Yellow Hoodie Gangsta
What is it with Pugs that their owners think they like to be dressed up all the time. This one gets himself a yellow hoodie and looks like a gangsta rapper. Or a boxer.
Funny Cute White Duck Picture
Im sure there is a particular name for this kind of duck...comments pleas? He just has such a nice head of hair...well, feathers really, but it looks like hair.
Funny Dogs Superman Greyhound Pic
Greyhounds are super fast - maybe even as fast as a speeding bullet. So why not dress your greyhound like Superman?
Funny New Dog Carry Bag Pic
Just another dog carry bag. Im not sure why. Couldnt you just put the little dog on a leash. He doesnt look so happy about being carried.
Funny Animal Pictures Goats in a Barn
Three rabbits, now three goats. Cute little guys hey? Leaning out of the barn with their feet, or hooves in order to pose for the photo. Thanks fellas.
Funny Animal Pictures 3 Brown Rabbits
Three light brown rabbits, all in a row and all very still. New song perhaps, "Three brown rabbits, see how they run..." No, i dont think so.
Funny Cat Chasing Bunny Rabbit
Cats are fast, but i reckon a rabbit would be faster. Im sure the cat is only chasing this rabbit as part of a game. Id hate to think what a catmight do to a bunny of he caught it. Just a bit of fun.
Cute Animal Pictures Rhino & Child
See, even Rhino's can be affectionate to their young. They may look mean and prehistoric, but they have nurturing instincts too. This is cute.
Gorgeous Cute Polar Bear Photo
This is just really cute. A tiny little polar bear pawing at its mothers head. Or maybe trying to whisper something in its ear. How special is this photo?
Funny Cat Investigates Clothes Dryer
I hope this cat doesnt actually want to go for a ride in the clothes dryer. Might be fun for a few seconds, but after that its all bad. No, i think he is just another curious cat. Maybe he is looking for all thsoe socks that seem to go missing...
Funny Cute Smiling Wombat
Looks like you can tickle a wombat on its neck and you will get a smile. Thanks for the pose Mr Wombat.
Cute Blue Eyes Kitten Pawing Camera
Maybe this white cute blue eyes kitten cat wasnt so happy to have its photo taken, pawing at the camera. But probably just curious. Gorgeous
Funny Cute Lab Dog and Chicks
How cute is this? A labrador taking care of some little chicks. Hey, look at the odd one out chick, a little black and white guy!
Funny Cat Loves The Deer Head
I adore this photo. Its just a classic funny cat photo. Resting on top of a deer head mounted on the wall, but check out how the back legs of the cat are splayed over, as if he is the king of the castle - or queen. Its just a lazy day for this cat - and this is the best way to survey the domain.
Funny Cat Eating Dog Ear
Ginger the cat certainly likes the ear of its friend Daschund the puppy. Playful biting or for real? I think playing. I dont think a dog would allow an enemy cat to get this close.
Funny Cat Brushing Teeth Photo
So cats care about dental hygiene too? Obviously. This cat is brushing his teeth. Then again, maybe he just likes the taste of the toothpaste.
Funny Cat as Easter Bunny Pic
Why would you dress a cat up as the easter bunny? Hard to think that the cat would do any work delivering the eggs. This cat doesnt look so happy as a bunny.
Funny Budgie Riding a Skateboard
Yep budgies are pretty smart birds. And they can be taught things. This one is riding a skateboard very well. Look, he even has it on two wheels. This budgie can do stunts too!
Funny Bears Climbing Ladder Photo
I dont know where this ladder is, nor where it leads. Maybe the funny Bears dont know either. But they have decided to climb it. Curious bears.
Funny Dressed Up Christmas Cat
What a sweet photo of a white cat dressed up for Christmas. Maybe on of Santa's Elf Cat Helpers. Cute.
Funny Cat Keeping Watch on Fish in Bathtub
Im not sure why there are fish in the bathtub. And big fish too. Whatever the reason, nice to see this tabby cat keeping a close eye on them. He knows that fish are good to eat. Its a cat's instinct. If he could get them, he would.